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Chainsaw Man |
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Chainsaw Man
"Chainsaw Man" is a highly acclaimed Japanese manga series penned and illustrated by Tatsuki Fujimoto. Serialized in Shueisha's Weekly Shōnen Jump magazine and Shōnen Jump+ app, the narrative centers around Denji, a financially struggling teenager who forms an alliance with a devil, resulting in their fusion. Another key character is Asa Mitaka, a high school student who enters into a pact with the War Devil. Viz Media holds the North American license for the manga, which is available in both print and digital formats. An anime adaptation, produced by renowned animation studio MAPPA, further boosted the manga's popularity. By 2024, the manga had achieved significant commercial success, with over 27 million copies circulated globally, firmly establishing it as one of the all-time best-selling manga series. Critics have lauded Chainsaw Man for its engrossing storytelling, well-developed characters, and use of dark humor.